Podcast #80 Dyspraxia, Nursing, and Online Tutoring with Kerry Pace
Sep 07, 2022
After relating to a dyspraxia report of someone else, she asks her colleague, who is an occupational therapist, if she thinks she might be dyspraxic. The therapist said she knew right away after 30 minutes of meeting her. All the clues were visible. That shocked her. Kerry Pace was helping students with dyslexia without knowing that she has Dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Sensory Processing Disorder. There were a lot of circumstances that unknowingly hid Kerry’s learning difficulty issues throughout her childhood. The clumsiness, inattentiveness, and absences at school were attributed to other factors rather than dyspraxia. She was also great at masking these signs by being innovative and adaptive. With the help of these attributes, she was able to identify a problem that no one else did. In part 1 of the 3 part episode, we discover the exciting story of Kerry Pace and how she created Diverse Learners, an online tutoring service for people with dyspraxia.
Listen to the podcast now.
Links you might like to check out:
Kerry Pace email : [email protected]
YouTube – Diverse Learners channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DiverseLearners/featured
Dyspraxia Tps for Adults 11 You Tube vlogs with my daughter who also has dyspraxia – https://www.youtube.com/c/DiverseLearners/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=4
Diverse Nurses sharing why their dyslexia or dyspraxia makes them a good nurse
Don’t Give Up on Yourself – my experiences of learning with the Open University made by the Open University
Set of 5 videos for Plymouth University about how to support student nurses who have dyslexia and/or dyspraxia covering Assistive Technology in healthcare settings, reasonable adjustments, placement support
ResearchGate – Link to a repository of 30 published articles, papers, conference papers including for AHEAD Ireland and Dyspraxia Ireland etc https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kerry_Pace
Website www.Diverse-Learners.co.uk
Assistive Technology is just Technology blog http://www.diverse-learners.co.uk/assistive-technology-is-just-technology/
Shoes or No Shoes http://www.diverse-learners.co.uk/shoes-or-no-shoes/
Blogs http://www.diverse-learners.co.uk/blog/
Bulletmap Academy Page: https://bulletmapacademy.com
BulletMap Academy Workshop: https://bulletmapacademy.com/workshop/
BulletMap Academy Blogs: https://bulletmapacademy.com/blogs/
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